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Vol. 11, Issue 1, Winter 1994
Research Notes:
Lucy Shelton Caswell: The Ohio State CGA Collection; INKS: A New Journal for Cartoon and Comic Art Studies
Hemingway as Negligent Reporter: New Masses and the 1935 Florida Hurricane
By S. L. Harrison
Realities and Possibilities: The Lives of Women in Periodicals of the New Republic
By Karen K. List
Misconceptions and Criminal Prosecutions: Theodore Roosevelt and the Panama Canal Libels
By Robert L. Spellman
Delilah Beasley: A Black Woman Who Lifted as She Climbed
By Rodger Streitmatter
Vol. 11, Issue 2, Spring 1994
The Commercial Roots of Foreign Correspondence: The New York Herald and Foreign News, 1835-1839
By Ulf Jonas Bjork
The Journalism of Josephine Herbst
By Robert L. Craig
Free Speech Without an ‘If’ or a ‘But’: The Defense of Free Expression in the Radical Periodicals of Home, Washington, 1897-1912
By Nathaniel Hong
‘The most dangerous of all Negro journals’:Federal Efforts to Suppress the Chicago Defender During World War 1
By Theodore Kornweibel Jr.
Research Notes
Fenwick Anderson: The Little Echo That Roared
Vol. 11, Issue 3, Summer 1994
Things That Speak to the Eye: The Photographs of Charities, 1897-1909
By Beverly M. Bethune
‘A Receipt Against the Plague’: Medical Reporting in Colonial America
By David A. Copeland
The Mid-Week Pictorial: Forerunner of American News-Picture Magazines
By Keith R. Kenney and Brent W. linger:
Presidential Publicity and Executive Power: Woodrow Wilson and the Centralizing of Governmental Information
By Stephen Ponder
Research Notes
William Stintson: Westbrook Pegler: Brat of the Whole Neighborhood
A ‘Wallbreaking’ Begins Work on Freedom Forum’s Newseum
Vol. 11, Issue 4, Fall 1994
The Professional Vision: Conflicts over Journalism Education, 1900-1955
By Brad Asher
Do You Belong in Journalism?: Definitions of the Ideal Journalist in Career Guidance Books
By Linda Steiner
Charlotte Perkins Oilman, William Randolph Hearst, and the Practice of Ethical Journalism
By Denise D. Knight
The Jazz Rage: Carter G. Woodson’s Culture War in the African-American Press
By Leonard Ray Teel
Research Notes
Robert G. Spellman: The Blue Pencil Gang
E. G. Palmegiano: The Newark Public Library: Unexpected Haven for Mass Media Historians