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Vol. 3, Issue 1, 1986

Francis Warrington Dawson: The New South Revisited
By E. Culpepper Clark

Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow and Other Newspaper Tales About the Chicago Fire of 1871
By Fred Fedler

Media Coverage of a Silent Partner: Mamie Eisenhower as First Lady
By Maurine Beasley and Paul Belgrade

Conservation, Community Economics, and Newspapering: The Seattle Press and the Forest Reserves Controversy of 1897
By Stephen E. Ponder

Vol. 3, Issue 2, 1986

The Pittsburgh Courier’s Double V Campaign in 1942
By Patrick S. Washburn

Hometown Radio in 1 942: The Role of Local Stations During the First Year of Total War
By E. Albert Moffett

The Jewish Contribution to American Journalism
By Stephen J. Whitfield

Vol. 3, Issue 3, 1986

Woman Suffrage Papers of the West, 1869-1914
By Sherilyn Cox Bennion

William Hard as Progressive Journalist
By Ron Marmarelli

Historians and the American Press, 1900-1945: Working Profession or Big Business?
By Wm. David Sloan

The Advertisers’ War to Verify Newspaper Circulation, 1870-1914
By Ted Curtis Smythe

Vol. 3, Issue 4, 1986

Legal Advocacy and the First Amendment: Elisha Hanson’s Attempt to Create First Amendment Protection for the Business of the Press
By Timothy W. Gleason

Fritz Goro: Emigre Photojournalist
By C. Zoe Smith