American Journalism’s Best Article Award honors research published in the journal during the year that is original, rigorous, and makes an outstanding contribution to developing scholarship in journalism and mass communication history.
Past Winners
2015 Mike Conway, “The Origins of Television’s ‘Anchor Man’: Cronkite, Swayze, and Journalism Boundary Work”
2016 Michael Socolow, “‘A Nation-Wide Chain Within 60 Days’: Radio Network Failure in Early American Broadcasting”
2017 Justin T. Clark, “Confronting the ‘Seeker of Newspaper Notoriety’: Pathological Lying, the Public and the Press, 1890-1920”
2018 Thomas Mascaro, “The Blood of Others: Television Documentary Journalism as Literary Engagement”
2019 Cynthia B. Meyers, “The March of Time Radio Docudrama: Time Magazine, BBDO, and Radio Sponsors, 1931-39”